![]() Javier AlcántaraRef.: Youkali 045 |
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“Javier is a great guitar player, his music is beautiful and honest. It was a pleasure working with him on this project.” Perico Sambeat “This is not only a music record. This is a journey through out this winding path of human endurance, because music, as the eye has to do with memory, with our ghosts of the past, with the routine of the present, and that future - with which we all dream of - full of hope.” Isabel Sánchez Fernández “Guitarist and composer Javier Alcantra has created a collection of beautiful music that combines jazz harmony with his own personal melodic sense and unique tone and approach to the guitar, and organized it's performance by a group of some of the most exciting players from Spain and Portugal. The result is a thrilling journey that evokes the wonderful feeling of the people and terrain of the Extramadura region of Spain. I highly recommend putting on a pair of headphones and taking the trip!!” Jonathan Kreisberg After his first album in 2008 – "Namouche" – recorded in Lisbon with Special Quartet (with the participation of prestigious musicians such as Perico Sambeat, Alexis Cuadrado and Hugo Alves), and getting great reviews by critics and public with his following work, "Short Stories" (the song "Duende de Luz" was voted one of the best of 2014 by the international online publication "All About Jazz", with more than 20,000 downloads, and entering to No. 10 of the TOP 200 of the most downloaded songs of the last 20 years), JAVIER ALCÁNTARA, one of the most prominent composer and guitarist of his generation, winner of new talent festival "Porton del Jazz", is now back in 2016, accompanied by the Short Stories Band, with his new and stunning record, "Resilience". Fourteen tracks of powerful and jazzy breath, composed entirely by the guitarist of Extremadura, in a wonderful musical adventure sharing it with international jazz stars Perico Sambeat, Pedro Cortejosa, Narciso González, and brilliant and up-and-coming musicians from the Lisbon scene André Mota, André Ferreira, Diogo Santos and João David Almeida. However "Resilience" is not only a music record: it contains a 24-page book, and works by poets, photographers, a novelist, a narrator and an painter to illustrate JAVIER ALCÁNTARA’s music on this journey of Resilience. The artistry of José Manuel Gamero Gil potentiates the perfection of a musical work with seriousness, with delicate illustrations and texts, filled with sensitivity and beauty.
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"Javier Alcántara es un gran guitarrista, su música es bella y sincera. Ha sido un placer colaborar en este proyecto." Perico Sambeat “Este disco no es sólo un disco de música. Es un viaje por ese escarpado camino de la resistencia humana, porque la música, como la mirada, tiene que ver con el recuerdo, con nuestros fantasmas del pasado, con la cotidianidad y los avatares del presente y con ese futuro - con el que todos soñamos - lleno de esperanzas.” Isabel Sánchez Fernández Tras debutar en 2008 con “Namouche”, grabado en Lisboa junto a la formación Special Quartet (y la participación de músicos de reconocido prestigio como Perico Sambeat, Alexis Cuadrado, Hugo Alves…), y obtener un gran éxito de crítica y público con su siguiente trabajo, “Short Stories” (El tema "Duende de Luz" fue elegido entre lo mejor del año 2014 por la prestigiosa publicación internacional "All About Jazz”, encabezando, con más de 20.000 bajadas, las descargas libres recomendadas en su web, y entrando por derecho propio en el puesto Nº 10 del TOP 200 de los más descargados de los últimos 20 años) JAVIER ALCÁNTARA, uno de los compositores y guitarristas más destacados de su generación, regresa en 2016, acompañado de la Short Stories Band, con una nueva y deslumbrante obra discográfica: “Resilience” Catorce cortes de poderoso aliento jazzístico, compuestos en su totalidad por el guitarrista extremeño, en una maravillosa aventura musical que comparte con grandes y consagrados músicos de panorama internacional como: Perico Sambeat, Pedro Cortejosa, Narciso González, y los brillantes y jóvenes músicos lisboetas André Mota, André Ferreira, Diogo Santos y Joao David Almeida. Pero “Resilience” no es solo música: contiene un libro de 24 páginas con colaboraciones de poetas, un fotógrafo, un novelista, un narrador oral y un ilustrador para acompañar la música de JAVIER ALCÁNTARA en este viaje de Resiliencia. El excelente diseño y montaje del pacense José Manuel Gamero Gil, completa a la perfección un trabajo musical concienzudo, serio y magnífico, con unas ilustraciones y unos textos delicados, llenos de sensibilidad y belleza.